Monday 4 June 2012

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion
Mike Brownlow and Nathan Green

Alien Invasion is a fantasy story about a boy who likes looking at the sky and aliens that are preparing to invade Earth. The story builds excitement and tension as the reader wonders what will happen when the aliens invade.

The story is available as an Ebook on the Oxford Owl website, with optional narration.

The story has good pictures, and uses descriptive language to tell the reader about the world the aliens come from, and describing the aliens themselves. This would link nicely for children to develop their descriptive vocabulary and for them to come up with their own descriptive sentences about the settings and characters.

I will be using this story in a fantasy story topic for the children to explore settings and how they can be described. The story links well with the planning and their are activities available with the Ebook that would suit as a task as well.

I think the story lends itself well to prediction tasks as well, where children could imagine what would happen when the aliens invade, as well as some hot seating tasks with the children pretending to be the aliens.

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